Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Temerature Of Wood Stove


of Comidad
There are several elements that encourage you to evaluate very carefully the current "news" about Libya. Unlike Egypt, Libya has masses of desperate urban, partly because the regime has adopted a system paternalistic / care that prevents severe forms of poverty, and partly because they lack their masses, since we are talking about a country uninhabited, where even the official figure of four million people appears to be somewhat inflated population estimates for what concerns desert areas. There is also the question that the millions of demonstrators in Cairo visas avail themselves of the benevolent neutrality of the army, while the few thousand (?) Of peaceful protesters in Libya, according to the media would have been even under aerial bombardment and rockets: a particular that is quite unrealistic, and not because the scheme is not capable of much, but it is only an armed revolt - very well-armed - could take long for that kind of treatment. So, rather than a revolt that would be a coup, and with lots of hooks in the areas of the Libyan regime. "Dictator" is one of those words can send fully in the critical sense of the public holiday "Western", which is why the media narrative of a spontaneous popular uprising, but it proves capable of occupying an entire city as Benghazi, gave rise to doubts and concerns so far.
During the Christmas of 1989, the media tells us about a "revolt" against the Romanian dictator Ceausescu with twenty thousand deaths, but later proved completely false, of course, months later, when the news had lost centrality.
Another "detail" to be taken into account concerns the Libyan oil business, a business of such significance to have caused half a century of war with no holds barred on the one hand between ENI and Anglo-American multinationals on the other, in particular BP. Even Qaddafi's coup against King Idris, considered a puppet of Italy, was certainly encouraged by the multinational Anglo American, though in a few years ENI regained lost ground in Libya. That the current "revolt" Libya may constitute yet another chapter in this war for oil is not a hypothesis to be discarded, because the real news of this hour is just that ENI is in danger of losing its main source of oil: Libya, in fact.
As has been mentioned by some in these days, Libya itself is an invention of Italian colonialism. In 1911 the then prime minister, the liberal Giolitti, declared war on the Ottoman Empire to tear the two provinces of North Africa, Tripoli and Cyrenaica, which were gathered in force under the name "Libya", a term evocative reminiscences from Imperial Roman. The stirring up ethnic and tribal tensions between the different populations is also one of the instruments of domination of Italian colonialism, whose ruthless brutality has been well documented.
can not therefore be ruled out that the ethnic rivalry is still the lever with which other colonial powers today are trying to destabilize the regime of Gaddafi, even looked forward to the various tribal leaders the opportunity to co-manage the business of oil by Anglo-American multinationals. In this case, the Afghanisation of Libya would be a very likely outcome, and indeed any colonial aggression, and any resistance to it, inevitably involve the phenomena of civil war. The so-called "superpower" in the U.S. has always had very clear limits, but its true and enduring strength is given by creating a point of reference and an ally to the reactionary and business groups around the world.
In this period the media also tend to overestimate the effect of destabilization Libya on migration to Italy. The boats full of immigrants are not, however, the main channel of the traffic of illegal migration, as they represent only a terrible distraction to divert attention from the real front doors of this traffic, that the dock areas under U.S. military control . In the port of Naples, for example, the U.S. Navy now controls more than half of the docks, military handled in the utmost secrecy, all this courtesy of the D'Alema government in 1999. Gadhafi has agreed to emphasize its role as policeman anti-immigration because it was a way to boast publicly merits against Italy and the European Union, but one must separate the exaggerations of propaganda from the actual dimensions of that role. The American military bases, as always, not only have a military function, but also the control of illegal trafficking, starting with the heroin trade from Afghanistan.
A fixed element of disturbance of communication these days is the cliche of "friendship", the personal relationship seasoned kiss, between Berlusconi and Gaddafi, so it has become a subject of controversy assumed the long silence held by the Italian Government of repression that would be happening in Libya. In fact, for everything related to energy, and ENI, ENI, and only the holder of each unique and historic initiative Italian foreign policy. Even the giant UniCredit, Impregilo and Finmeccanica, for their business in Libya, are attached to the consortium of ENI.
The effective capacity of Berlusconi to support his alleged preferential axis with Gaddafi has arisen in Brussels, when the non-Foreign Minister Frattini was appended passively to a position of condemning the Libyan regime, is more inspired by a country in a blatant conflict of interests such as Great Britain, who married each other in the course of his thesis oil multinational, which is the former British Petroleum, Beyond Petroleum today. Frattini and Berlusconi himself were then repeating the facts about the news agency repression that would occur in Libya, although the evidence does not confirm the Italians displaced at all.
From the "revelations" Wikileaks has come out of the image of a weak Berlusconi, in the passive role of yes men in the United States, although they deserve pats on the back in international summits. The half-truths, however, are likely to convey lies whole, and the idea that the United States merely to take advantage of the inconsistency of human and political Berlusconi, whereas the key of colonialism is precisely to create in the colonized countries of weak leadership and hyper -corrupt.
The problem is not just about the blackmail of Berlusconi, but the blackmail that is crippling submitted by his opponents, always timid and hesitant in the decisive moments. Even "The Daily Done" Today he pretends to forget that he sued for three years that the real crutch of the Berlusconi government was in fact the President of the Republic, and the same newspaper is now aligned to the work of sanctification of media Napolitano, omitting the story of his ambiguous relationship with the U.S. already since the time when a militant in the Italian Communist Party. In recent decades
ENI has used its financial muscle to force governments to turn their business leaving their media showcase, a showcase of Berlusconi's most abused of all because it was the only way to mask his own littleness. But the ENI policy for some time the string is showing, as it is clear that a puppet government of colonial servitude to the U.S. not only can not defend the business entity in these times of acute crisis, but is an enemy even more.


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