Friday, February 4, 2011

Pain In Ankle With Driving


of Don Luis
Among other legacy of the English Empire was enriched in the Kingdom there were the guappi that if etymologically are nothing more than thugs like those who were at the service of Don Rodrigo Milan, from the point of view practical rather represent a lifestyle choice - and we would say an almost ideal - for a considerable proportion of citizens and voters in the south of the Gothic Line. We were discussing
this argument with the editor in chief (aka the Fair Yago) and correlates it with the results of the last day of the championship. Beginning with the home draw against AC Milan - which also increases the benefit of expensive training to Berlusconi on immediate pursuers - and ending with the zero to zero in which the teams have gone to rest in Bari, before the Inter dear to Our director, then spread to -7 in the second half carrying towards the Rossoneri cousins, and then in third place.
Too many oddities. So much so that our colleague to suspect that the Camorra's match-fixing is somehow involved.
"Can it really be that Paolo Cannavaro is so little?" We asked our dear colleague, not without adding: "The team is second in the standings that defeat twice in the same league than putting up a small neighborhood of Verona! Why, with all due respect to the Pandoro ... "
was at this point that he made his entrance and looked proudly prance around our namesake cousin, too well known to these chronicles.
You must know, dear readers, that a few days before we were able to convince the honest hand was necessary to bring the savings to rent a pair of Venetian pittime "to stick to the ribs of the Director for him to pay off debts run up against drafting body.
For those who do not know, the godwit Venice has nothing to do with the Minister Brunetta, since instead of simply a good man in charge of remembering the bad payer that it was time to not be in arrears in respect of friends who have helped financially. This is a person of good will (not without compensation), a sort of those old recalled that the Roman senators signaled who were healthy. In fact, the task is called to accomplish this, so to speak, working with Justice is (with slight pecuniary outlay) to prosecute in the most petulant and wherever the insolvent debtor, until the unhappy, tired and exasperated by now reduced to accumulate in all shapes Barbine the places where he sought refuge in vain, do not end up settle its debt, perhaps using a new, more expensive loan shark.
course, our officers had not (at least) achieved any useful result. Easier bled from a turnip or see the famous barren fig tree bear fruit: the director has resisted tetragon. As a matter of principle. E 'opposition to any disbursement of money. Because, as we have always said, "Milan, yes, but no chicken."
not being cracked over the individual is being praised for cover, he asked for protection to our relative who poses for an artist and poet, often infested with the declamation some of its versacci or enriching with highs like "can not be judged with the pen, but with heart and mind," or "politics is a pastime for geeks, but where the unwary they lose their feathers."
In short, it is the cuginastro presented, as we said above, do with all puffed up and dressed to the Salvator Rosa (at least in intention).
slowly unbuttoning his sciammeria (coat), almost in a whisper, but pronouncing the words with meaning, has become recognized.
"Greetings friends, with reservation" and we immediately said we understood, mindful of a dissolute youth, which led us to attend their own environments do not "comme il faut."
"duty health to you, Don Luis. Be sure you understand the music. " "We are men," he felt compelled to add honesty.
From this point forward we will strive for narrative, patient readers, to "put in clean, to translate that language into the vernacular expressions which have been used later in the conversation.
"As I love you" cut short our interlocutor settling certainly not without means have increasingly trod berrettuccio in the head with the classic green and black colors, this message immediately reciprocated by the editor in chief put on a hat with red and black, the colors anarchists, striving to assume a minion.
From our side we have rushed to defend our hair loss by using the cap of the Director of Inter (in doing so they do not hide it, send a signal of peace).
"A mme me from quanno learned that there is n'appicceco, in Primm thing to do is raggionamento nu ..." translate to good: "They taught me that when a dispute arises the first thing to do is explain."
" Appriesso, sempe possibly veins' or said. But it is better 'to dum "is:" Only later, in case there is a clash. Solo instead. "These were the words with which our colleague, not to show it any less, he wanted to point out honestly. The reprehensible
our namesake looked at him intently and at length, then - pointing to us - he said: "Sapite that 'e nun viecchio Ponno dum." The sentence was to remind people that age the duel is prohibited. Fearing the fate of the honest
Yago that has never been very fast in flight, We wanted to protect our turn to speak with a little lie: "Manco 'and scurnacchiate Ponno pyro." That would be: "But it can not even duel dishonored. "Forgive us
that holy woman who is the lady of the editor, but our suggestion was only for a good purpose (after all, we thought, no one can swear to have never been garlanded such as ammonium Jupiter, and Absite iniuria verbis).
There was a long silence, then it was we took the initiative: "Don Lui, we stay the orders, but allow a question?"
"humble Prayers" was the reply, "well spoken."
"Vulimm 'they splice, splice. "(now just want to) take back," Not to know your facts, 'on him, but to you, that friend there, I was happy? We know that the mouth is wide, but close to hand ... "
"I only put in half for the friendship. And then, in short, you have exaggerated your pittime. Imagine what he told me not to have gone to Congress for fear of being mocked in front of all the friends and comrades ... In fact, if you allow, I would write na cosarella. Mo read: "It happens that dint 'to better palace / the nun floating duck of his / pe no' and turnes, rifunnitece 'expense, so Primm or later' or if cunto draw."
In conclusion: "Don He, too bbelle ancestral spoken "Hugs, kisses (on the cheeks) and lowering the bar, where he was waiting for us pulling out the usual smile mocking the insolvent debtor who had already ordered, knowing that it would not be touched him pay.
But it can not end like this.


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