Friday, February 18, 2011

Play Pokemon On The Computer Mac

La Clemenza di Tito

of Don Luis
The editor in chief (the Honest Yago) vainly tried, in alliance with myself, to take the Bastille. He did the same end of bisaccese you want to take possession of Arcore: Adhoc-cracy has remained firmly in possession of the Director, who nevertheless found it convenient to be lenient with us and forgive us, why would Silvio Gianfranco, but instead did so as second Metastasio, the father of Emperor Vespasian with the conspirators.
Our employer pays us because it had no cost to licensing. Besides being a shrewd businessman, the director is also a philosopher of those with a beard, one that on the evening before falling asleep - like his colleague Professor Eco -, read Kant. He was so easy to use a quotation from the German counterpart to cloak their kindness with suspicion on the role of the nobility. "Clemency is one of the postulates of the categorical imperative."
There we are taking for that and we kept plugging away content with promises amazing.
"You'll see: It will time that we pay. "said our colleague to console
" He feels Jesse, Jesse is "Holy Jesse, let it be so, we responded with the formula we learned greetings in the nearby island of Procida. "Field also a hundred years, it is difficult to believe that your prediction come true ..."
"Basically there are not many, if you think the Knight, with all the trouble he takes, he vows to get a hundred and twenty."
"I would like them I trouble her or even just those of the director! I'm not ashamed to say that I envy them: money, power and good life ... "
" Go Rest assured that safe, "said the honest, "It also says the proverb that money for the failure if the sink and eat them so we know to wait."
be, but we are not convinced. The conversation, however, has led us to turn his thoughts to the advantages of old age, even if there are any. Not having a beard and do not miss being like that other philosophers, we are very careful not to look in the small library of drafting the "De senectute" of Cicero, and instead we are very delighted to read an interview with Alfredo Martini, and this is not a cardinal Despite yesterday's ninety years old.
When we were playing on the walls with crown caps and sand tracks with marbles, our peers always decided that the captain their cycling team was Bartali and Coppi, and quarreled for choosing the right name for the "runner". We, however, realizing that Fausto and Gino were from another planet - being endowed with superhuman qualities - prefer to have as leader of our team a mere mortal, a man like us, albeit with great courage and strength: our hero was the Lion of Flanders.
Fiorenzo Magni, and suffering in plain scapicollandosi down when the other brakes, recover lost minutes uphill towards the Dioscuri of the bike (and those were also times Kobler and Koblet), in a certain way of living was the certification "to want is power."
's friend to the skin of Magni was, as it still is, Alfredo Martini, the best of soldiers, one third place in the legendary Cuneo-Pinerolo at the Tour of '49, what everyone wanted at their side, what is classified to the squares of honor and sometimes even had permission to go to win, that the Tour was able to reconcile Ginettaccio and were, as indeed would act as coach with Moser-Saronni and Bugno- Chiappucci. Should we write
successes on two wheels or martini sull'ammiraglia of national, there would be enough space for this week granted us rubrichetta. But we want to remember that the first bicycle gave it to him to seven years the father, a worker at the Richard Ginori, the Sesto Fiorentino, who earned 400 pounds a month and was able to spend 420 for that gift to the youngest child, then forbidding him to take his place in the same factory because there is died of silicosis at age 50. A worker at an apprentice 16 years Pignone of Florence, the young Martin already ran and won with the head down to become a professional cyclist, because he feared the life that everyone said be done to fatigue and pain.
"I've always considered a fortune. Sure, running cycling is suffering. But turning passion into profession is the greatest fortune that can befall a man. My peers who were splitting the back at the factory, certainly did not suffer without me. "
Interview with the patriarch of cycling we have chosen this phrase because we always believe that success is achieved only by leaving drudges who like their work. We
, despite the quality riconosciuteci affection of family and friends, we could never aspire to the crown of glory. In fact we were born with a holy horror for the job and what we want from adolescence to turn passion into profession, we have never succeeded. In that matter, more easily, despite our good will, we happened to impersonate rather than Troilus Pandarus and, as regards the desire to work, resemble those donkeys who rebel against the noria rolling on the ground. The difference is that the staff there has never convinced as we are ready to even more extreme to keep our holy and wholesome. Perhaps that is why, deceived by what they interpreted as a libertarian spirit that does not avoid the fight (that, of course, that "there is hard and scary), the Director honesty Yago invited us to collaborate in Adhoc-cracy.
You are wrong and take care not to tell him. We are grateful to the two students Bakunin for giving us hospitality in the two rooms where we work and writing (a true temple of the Idea) and therefore,
to pay in some way our debt - but who knows that our subconscious does not work to leave at last masters of the field - we have done this to two friends a happy circumstance that has put us in a position to get them a weekend in New York, as long as they then do as soon as possible in contact with an independent Library (146 West Street 26ht), Revolution Books, "whose sole raison d'etre is the revolution."
We have already harvest a large crop of words grateful and we hope to get even more moved when the two revolutionaries from our own, - had tried in vain to strike at the heart of the empire -, Guantanamo, and we know we to get them out of that hotel with some friends we have in common with Obama, Emperor of the West currently working to make a show of clemency in the Mediterranean countries.


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