Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ots Non-pvp Fast Attack

A rating!

The President of the Province of Messina , Nanni Received (then was made Deputy Minister of Education, University and Research the Berlusconi government) together with the Rector of the University of Messina Franco Tomasello Melitta Grasso and his wife with the former president of the Municipal Council of Messina Umberto Bonanno and the former medical director of the Polyclinic of Messina John Matter.

eight defendants on charges ranging from abuse of office in the scam.
Otto Messina famous (perhaps the most important) that they like seems to like what they were running the hospital in Messina piloting a competition.

The largest industry in the city of the strait has always been the subject of the aims of the business and organized crime groups, according to the judges fell in the realm of the leading private owners of the city.

the usual story, the usual buildings and the same faces.
Tale as old as that of this city.

The trial will evaluate the evidence and the evidence in seeking the truth u n process, the defendants are powerful men. The more powerful.

The indictment is an act ethically and politically heavy.
justice must satisfy the liability, but in the meantime, John Matter resigned from the post of Director health ASL Milan.

a gesture that seems at odds with the judicial practice of our country, when they end up being tried for serious indications of guilt are politicians and senior officials who remain glued to their chairs where justice seems to be less strong.

Matter resigns. Calmly wait for the court (so they say).

Tomasello and received?
They do not.
They continue to defend the privileged status of powerful men.

The news
All eight on remand. The "knot" eavesdropping on which the defense pointed to the GUP Arena is not subsisting. So will the process, which will open next May 18 in the courts of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Court . The documents three types of offense and eight defendants. And the crimes are alleged abuse of office, two cases of forgery of official and then the scam. At the center always the story of the "driven" in 2006 that allowed the former president of the council to settle the Policlinico Umberto Bonanno with a monthly net salary of about € 2,530, as an expert in Occupational Medicine. All requests received so the indictment issued yesterday at the preliminary hearing judge Maria Teresa Arena by the deputy prosecutor of the DDA Angelo Cavallo, the magistrate who conducted the investigation after the long work of the Section of Pg of the financial police. A survey in December 2008 led to the suspension for two months of the functions of the rector Franco Tomasello, one of the suspects, the second suspension incurred during his term of office after that of July 2007, linked at the "pilot" Veterinary. The indictments decided yesterday by Magistrate Maria Teresa Arena after a busy morning and a long closed session, in addition to the rector Tomasello affecting the former chairman of the council Umberto Bonanno, the beneficiary of public place, then-medical director of the Policlinico John Matter, the members of the jury selection of that, doctors Carmelo Abbate, Professor of Occupational Medicine, and Joanne Spataro, a researcher at the time, the ' intermediary concept Giorgianni, then Carmela "Melitta" Grasso, the wife of the rector, and finally the President of the Province Nanni received, in 2006 when all this happened was instead deputy minister of Education, University and Research. The first "kickback" to the decision of GUP Arena hath been already recorded in the late afternoon yesterday. One of the accused to trial, John Matter, currently medical director of ASL Milan 1, has resigned from office. The announcement was made the Lombardy Region, which released a statement. Matter had been nominated a few days ASL Milano 1. Even yesterday after the indictment of Angelo Cavallo pm defensive operations were centered a series of wiretaps and environmental factors that have come together in this investigation, and that according to the defenders would not be usable. A story that eventually chancellor at the time of suspension of the Supreme Court, but in reality the Supreme Court did not rule on that aspect. The Criminal Section VI it declared the application defense inadmissible, probably because of the so-called "lack of interest" since the day of treatment the investigating judge Maria Angela Nastasi he signed the measure of reinstatement of the rector, after two months of suspension from duties. The issue will be addressed now by the judges during the prcoesso the second penal section, the board chaired by Mario Samperi. The framework envisaged by the prosecutor of the charges in the aftermath of the preliminary hearing is then in full standing. The first offense is an abuse of office and covers all eight suspects for the "Christmas gift" to Bonanno (it's an interception in which he spoke his wife Rector). On 21 December 2006 is the day of taking the Bonanno Hospital. There are various roles between "public official" and "depriving certain" that include all. Specifically Tomasello and matter, even with the involvement of the wife of the rector, who had allowed Bonanno chose as part of the jury prof. Abbate, "subject to him clearly in favor of 'Matter then, with the endorsement of the Tomasello, would ensure" a priori "to Bonanno, even before the holding of a public selection (assessment of qualifications and oral), passing the same selection , ensuring the participation of staff among the members of the committee; and still Abbate and the Spatari , through the intermediary of Giorgianni, they assured Bonanno "a priori" the overcoming of the selection. There are other alleged offenses, two of false public official and a scam. In this case involving Bonanno and the President of the Province of Messina Received Nanni, who was once Secretary of Infrastructure and then vice minister of Education, University and Research. In practice the two cases of forgery relating to certain evidence presented by the acts of the Bonanno Selection to increase the evaluation score, which is characterized as a consultant to the two ministries at the time of receipt, when in fact the documentation submitted according to the accusation was patently false, with advice ever given by Bonanno, who instead were only on paper. And with the presentation of all this documentation to the file selection system, according to the Attorney hath been made a sensational scam because the members of the examination of the Hospital would have been misled in the valuation of securities, placing third Bonanno place of the list, and then allowing him to sign the employment contract of 21 December 2006, in the category of senior staff physician of the Hospital.

From G fficial South - Nuccio Anselmo -


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