of Comidad
The emphasis that the official propaganda has considered the case of the request for extradition from Brazil of Cesare Battisti, certainly fits the usual mechanisms of political power that seeks its unique legitimacy in turmoil speciously-terrorism emergency. This time, however, what should have been just another diversion, but ended to bring attention to the center of the problem.
You can do a lot of speculation about the reasons for which the Brazilian President Lula has denied extradition. It is fabled for years even on the arts of the evil sorceress Carla Bruni and his alleged role in the story-Baptiste. The intervention of the Zionist journalist Bernard-Henri Levy in favor of Baptists has also assumed that the fugitive was in possession of some secret which influence the choices of governments.
Everything is possible, but the conspiracy is justified when there is a striking disproportion between cause and effect, or between stated objectives and instruments adopted, so in this case, since Berlusconi was involved with his painful image in the world . What would have won because Lula to please the Italian government? Nothing, as it currently the Italian government does not count in international relations. What would have rather lost in Lula's image, both internally and internationally, a political refugee if he returned to the universally despised vindictive desires satrap of Arcore? Very much. Even
forensic evidence against Baptists were compelling - and certainly were not - the political substance of the problem would not change, it is clear that a head of state takes its decisions based on political criteria and not judicial. The problem then, and the usual fictitious emergency-terrorism, was brought back to the reality of international de-legitimization of the current Italian government. The legitimacy of the emergency-based terrorism still works for the government in key inside, but can not undo the effect of disability-Berlusconi abroad.
is evident even unintentional irony of an Italian government, while doing the heavy-handed with Lula, is set in front of his trousers Marchionne, the same as last Dec. 28 that Marchionne has gone cap in hand to usher in Pernambuco , along with Lula, a new plant of Fiat in Brazil. This plant would produce cars especially for the Brazilian market, in line with what the economic choice of Lula to boost domestic consumption, freeing up Brazil in the Directive of the International Monetary Fund, which forced him to base its economy on exports, with the result forcibly to keep wages low.
When Piero Fassino has told workers of FIAT to bow his head in front of the blackmail of Marchionne, with the excuse now should deal with China and Brazil, so he told his nonsense again. The reality is that Italy are faced with a Brazil that implements the full freedom of association and with a China that bases its economy on investments and state-owned banks. One of the major Chinese banks is in fact managed directly by a government minister.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Bx3lcSjCV9cJ:www.newsmercati.com/Article% 3Fid% 3D4479% 3D2579%% 26idl 26idi% 3D1% 3D45248% 26idu banking system + + + Chinese & cd = 3 & hl = en & ct = clnk & gl = it
The problem is that China and Brazil have not given up all the political direction of the economy, while Italy has become a colony of the multinationals. The recent rescue of a Berlusconi now at the end of his mental capacity is not already exciting, the political effect has been to leave the stage for the entire leadership of Marchionne. This shows that those who wanted to keep Berlusconi Presidency of the Council believes it would be enough for very little risk to shade the star of Marchionne, a sign that his legend as a fighter was built in make-up match.
After the ambiguous President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, has performed on behalf of the multinational rescue Berlusconi, the opposition forced a delay of one month's vote of no confidence, now further blow, perhaps ultimately, to the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani, is came once again from the inside. In this case, the traitor was the main sponsor of the party Bersani, Massimo D'Alema, ie, the very man who had placed in the position of chief executive Bersani. D'Alema has in fact married in full line of Piero Fassino on the so called "agreement" of Mirafiori, so far as to encourage employees to vote for FIAT yes to the referendum / blackmail. The position of
Bersani on so-called agreement was a restraint unrealistic given the situation, and appeared mostly as a compromise between the strands of the party on the issue. But Bersani's speech started at least one fact, that the destabilizing effects on the industrial relations system that Marchionne's diktat entails. As regards Mirafiori
decided the fate of a small part of Fiat, as it constitutes a precedent which, if not countered by the political power, will lay the groundwork for an upheaval in the framework of industrial relations. D'Alema has been placed solely on the basis of official doctrine Marchionne, namely investments in exchange for fewer labor rights, reducing the elimination the representative trade union to a mere problem of the protection of dissent. Even if one were to forget that Marchionne has already proven a liar and dishonest, given that just six months ago he presented the agreement as dictated by the emergence of Pomigliano / absenteeism in the factory, it is worth what he had at least mentioned Bersani, namely that in this At Marchionne has bypassed the government and has set his new manager as extra-institutional relations.
lay in Parliament two bills on industrial relations, one of Pietro Ichino, Senator PD, and the other the Minister Sacconi, either one or the other vied to please the thesis Marchionne, who, however, the snubbed both to take him power over industrial relations with a kind of coup. D'Alema has not only been pretending not to see this de-legitimization of the role of political power, but also went to bury one of the main reservoirs of the PD election, that the subscribers of the CGIL, which looms just as the possibility of early elections . The secretary general of the CGIL, Camusso, proposed the device of yes 'technical' agreement Mirafiori in a desperate attempt to blunt the opposition with PD, but it is clear that it still comes out CGIL with broken bones and a further reduced ability to convey vote organized.
The stupidity and ignorance of the leaders of the left are not able to explain everything, nor compromise with the simple business system that can motivate suicide anti-party line. The publications of the bourgeois press and opinion as Panebianco or Galli Della Loggia is particularly caustic in identifying the alleged intellectual deficit of the political class. Apart from the unreliability of the fact that people like Panebianco Galli Della Loggia, or to assess the intelligence of others, is also very doubtful that the direction of a party requires special intellectual gifts, as if they were to paint the Sistine Chapel. In general, all devices-rhetorical polemical opportunism are reduced to blame is not God you are not able to understand the "complexity", you are not able to look at the story from a pedestal of omniscience, you're never quite creative and innovative. In his speech at the Meeting in Rimini instead Marchionne has not only claimed to own these amazing divine qualities, but also stated to be able to possess them without pretending to "have the truth in your pocket." Miracle in a miracle!
The electioneering is in fact a basic affordable for even very small minds. Berlusconi, decriminalizing false accounting, has done himself a favor and at the same time has received a vote administered by Confindustria and Confcommercio, and the building amnesty have saved her abusive buildings, while has remedied the votes to win the regional elections. The right to buy votes by distributing licenses and criminal conspiracy to evade taxes, while the left should win the electorate to defend social guarantees.
The PD, which should look after their own garden plots electoral GGIL by the League of Cooperatives, instead welcomes them to him that Marchionne shakes both destroying the social safety net. The Cooperative League of the risk of being the next victim of disarticulation of the system of industrial relations. What has allowed so far in Italy to develop a strong and widespread system of independent small and medium businesses was precisely the interest created by the trade union representative, which prevented the proliferation yellow unionism run by organized crime, a phenomenon that elsewhere is a tool of intimidation by which corporations are able to bind the small and medium enterprises to their wagon. Destroyed the system of industrial relations, it will be easier for multinationals to force owner-operators to relocate their production in Eastern Europe such as Serbia, a feud that Philip Morris referred Marchionne is "director". This is a real colonial robbery of equipment and technologies.
http://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Serbia/Gli-USA-al-primo-posto-negli-investimenti-in The Serbia-
connection between Marchionne, Philip Morris and the relocation of business in Serbia is a blatant and gross evidence so that, apparently, this time the usual rhetoric of the slogan has not been momentous enough to cover it, so Eugenio Scalfari, to raise more smoke , was forced to come up with new bullshit like that of the executor of the will of the unions Marchionne Chrysler. Marchionne and that corporations do not give anything of Italian manufacturing sector, is shown from the fact that these "agreements" are destroying the major controlling factor of labor or the union.
When a party leader is acting against his party and its base election, it can be inferred that in fact he is entrusting his personal fortunes to many other beaches and many other career opportunities. And here is not about the conspiracy, since there is the well-known precedent of Giuliano Amato, who left the political activity to be accepted as chief executive of the multinational Deutsche Bank.
Sure, you can always say it's a pure coincidence that one was that when the government was corporate interests, then has found his own career opportunity in the leadership of a multinational.
The Catholic Church has always condemned as heretical the view that the Church should be poor, and in fact the priests are right, because a church who gave up his riches would not matter anymore. Consequently, even the liberal doctrine of the state "light", that is lightened of its monopolies, its businesses and its property assets, leads inevitably to the effect-Congo, a State that is so poor that even the multinationals is shabby able to field more resources to buy in bulk and the local ruling class. Twenty years of privatization are bringing Italy in the same situation, so now the policy is not even remotely capable of exploring career opportunities and enrichment comparable with those offered by the multinationals. No coincidence that the myth and the false target of the policy structured in "caste" have been created by the media as the "Corriere della Sera" at the very time that the "caste" as such had ceased to exist, becoming an appendage multinationals.
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