Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Gpsphone Cht


of Comidad
The dignity of the poor is much more annoying arrogance of the rich. And so the refusal of the overwhelming majority of workers be held hostage by Marchionne, the media and politicians, should not be regarded as a manifestation of dignity, but is cataloged as an expression of "discomfort." Here is the new watchword anti-working class launched by the Mayor of Turin, Chiamparino to minimize and humiliate "uncomfortable." An increasingly berlusconizzato
Marchionne has even had to resort to buying in the last hours of the votes of white collar to prevent a meltdown in the referendum and to realize its "historic breakthrough," an expression that, in the lexicon of propaganda, stating his aim to bury the collective agreement. In fact, the "historic breakthrough" was not there, because, as the result of the referendum has proved not only that the estate has a FIOM unexpected, but the workers are able to understand when presented papers rigged.
The snowball effect feared by the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Bersani, following the so-called "agreement" Mirafiori, for the moment, there will be, and thus the destabilization of the framework of industrial relations, intended by Marchionne, seems postponed until a later date. Unlike the incompetent Fassino, D'Alema and Veltroni, instead Bersani has shown signs of becoming aware that the abolition of the collective agreement would have led small and medium-sized businesses, handing it to the pressures of illegal yellow unions and mobsters controlled by multinationals. Where there is no collective bargaining, it is possible that there is a small / medium-sized enterprise independent of the multinationals, so for the League of Cooperatives would be a disaster, and therefore also for our economic / financial PD. If nothing else
Bersani could express, if not gratitude, at least compared to the Mirafiori workers who indirectly saved even his personal interests by colonial plunder of the multinationals. Nonsense! The antioperaismo is an ideological dogma that does not allow regrets or second thoughts.
After the referendum, Bersani has abandoned his fake "equidistant" and started to applaud slavishly to the alleged revival of the Mirafiori plant, which instead of the only safe thing we know, is to be used only for the mere assembly of pieces produced by Chrysler, with the obvious costs of transport. It is a fact that makes us think more like a destiny of closure for its Mirafiori than a raise. It seems Marchionne that its not only in Serbia have waived the relocation of the Italian plant of Fiat, but you think you bring along roped in a number of small / medium-sized Italian orphaned umbrella confederation.
In his statements in the post-referendum, Bersani did not hesitate then to contradict without restraint. On the one hand, the PD secretary complained that the government has never convened Marchionne to finally get his ghostly vision of the business plan, on the other hand welcomed the arrival of the legendary investment of one billion euro by the same Marchionne . But if the business plan Marchionne has not yet seen anyone, who assures us that the billion investment really exists? If it were really at stake was an investment like this, then why all the so-called "agreement" is calibrated exactly the Mirafiori plant as they are now?
An "agreement" to full use in the coming years of existing plants, not may lead to a significant investment, rather rule it out altogether. Of course, if Marchionne never shows the planes, then replacing some bolts can be passed off as investment, so the media are on his side. Marchionne months ago caused a sensation with his arrogant performance at the show "Che tempo che fa", but now the story of his one billion could end in "Chi l'ha visto?". While
billion investment remains shrouded in myths and mists of media propaganda, the same news media take the edge of the concrete and real layoffs extraordinary Mirafiori throughout the next year. It is not only the effect of mass distraction due to the latest judicial vicissitudes of Sardanapalus Arcore, but a media strategy that emphasizes only what it suits Marchionne. Marchionne also then posing as a victim and in turn gives the result of the FIOM to "a shrewd media strategy" against him, Berlusconi confirms precisely the character that is not enough to monopolize the scene, but want an absolute unanimity. Now Marchionne threatens to extend the so-called "agreement" even at the Mirafiori and Pomigliano Melfi, which, if the data have a meaning, it will mean layoffs there as well. A refutation of what
falsely told the TG-7 by the Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi massoncino careerist, not only because Marchionne is not pulling out a penny, but it continues to quietly collect public funds by the INPS, which has become the ' charity for the bosses, because the redundancy allows them to save on labor costs by using more workers left the factory. Marchionne, in its boundless arrogance, counted on the fact that his blatant bad faith contribute even more to terrorize the workers, but it was not, as it is part of the dignity of work, the show to understand their work, as it is organized in a brutal manner. The psicoguerra Marchionne and his associates made a hole in the water, as it only served to highlight their lies and their total unreliability. More Marchionne strap, plus the official commentators devote thoughtful exegesis, fewer workers believe him. The latest amenities Marchionne, a few hours before the referendum, was to envisage a transfer of FIAT in Canada. Perhaps the Canadian Marchionne missing mother, or perhaps simply talking nonsense to confuse the issue. If it is just assemble pieces Chrysler might as well do it in Detroit, and if instead we want to build new plants, you can do better in Serbia, with the money of European Union Regional Development and the Serbian government's tax relief: more than low labor costs in Serbia !
The Secretary General of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso, meanwhile, continues to pretend to believe that this is just a problem of authoritarianism by Marchionne, a detail that might be, at least partly remedied through a negotiation that allows the return of FIOM factory. This profile is an "axis" between the Camusso and none other than the president of Confindustria, Marcegaglia, ie the same person that you are not able to afford even a hint of FIAT vague misgivings when he gave up and de-legitimized Confindustria. The official newspaper of Confindustria, Il Sole-24 ore "in recent months it has taken an editorial to this effect:" Marchionne sees us like shit, Marchionne alive. " And these would be the parties for whom the Camusso would be willing to sacrifice the relationship with the FIOM, and also did not hesitate to deceive for the managers of the other day who wanted to support federations CGIL Landini.
Ten days ago the announcement of the general strike of all categories by the CGIL seemed imminent and obvious fact, but has deferred the expected announcement Camusso to pass the maturity of the referendum, and fortunately it general strike of all categories have proclaimed the base unions, many workers could not otherwise show their solidarity to the workers of Mirafiori. The Camusso relied on the fact that after the referendum, the media would implement the tactics of pseudo-peace that followed their waves of fierce propaganda. These days you are creating a false climate of "and they all lived happily ever after" Marchionne got yes, FIOM won among the workers and the investment will Mirafiori, so now you can find a basis for reopening negotiations . Can almost feel the slogan in 2003 by Piero Fassino, after the announcement by Bush of the "end" of the war in Iraq: the U.S. won the war, Iraqis have had democracy, peace activists have regained their peace and thus can stop complaining. In reality, the genocide in Iraq continues, and the FIAT idem.


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