Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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of Comidad
Marchionne And so was forced to resort to the expedient victim of the terrorist threat in the hope of regaining legitimacy, just like any member of the Italian political elite. This is a serious signal of weakness, that there are entire weeks where, while the official information and representatives of the main parties hail Marchionne, went instead to the growing support FIOM.
Appeals that many intellectuals have written and signed as a sign of solidarity with the FIOM, were based on real arguments, but not sufficient, as the protection of labor rights and union representation, without the context was highlighted, namely strangulation Colonial to which Italy is currently undergoing by the IMF and the multinationals. Despite the mobilization of intellectuals, promoted by the magazine Micromega, "can not be regarded with contempt, or enough, as it is indicative of the potential of social involvement that may raise a union not just come out of the ambiguities and failures. No coincidence that the CGIL and its secretary Camusso, after weeks in which they seemed to sink into the quicksand of the Democratic Party, had to break through the inertia and agree to support the general strike called by the FIOM for January 28.
Paradoxically, the decline of the star-like charm of Marchionne, has been highlighted by recent actions of its opinion in its wake, such as former European Commissioner Mario Monti in the Corriere della Sera. " To extol the virtues of reform of the CEO of Fiat, Monti has made him even compare to the honor of ... Gelmini!
The embrace of a character like Gelmini, in terms of image, it is more deadly than a hail of gunfire. During the days of blackmail Pomigliano, Marchionne performed in ridiculous imitation of the Minister Brunetta, throwing inconsistent and spurious charges of absenteeism with the FIAT workers of Southern Italy. But no one then dreamed of in the information officer of a daring combination between Marchionne and Brunetta, Brunetta although the same in that period gave you to do to claim the copyright of the communication style based on gratuitous insults. Today, however, Marchionne to touch even be paired with the minister Gelmini, and this happens in an apologetic article in the Corriere della Sera. " The fall of the gods!
worth mentioning is the attempt of the former Secretary of the Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, to relaunch the line with Marchionne, an axis that last appeared in June last in vogue. The attempt, however, stalled in a document, which even the most loyal supporter of Veltroni had to confess not to have understood almost nothing. The only two things to understand the document were a staggering childishness. There is the usual slogan that we should not defend, but "change", as if the change was a value in itself. In this case also be killed would be better to stay alive, however, since the death would be a "change." Moreover
"change" the rules of the labor market has not brought good: statistics officers we have just revealed that, seven years after the Law 30/2003 (the so-called Biagi Law), youth unemployment has reached record levels. Hence the slogan "a better job insecurity that no work" was yet another false choice. The insecurity has increased jobs, however, led to a slump in investment in technological innovation and personnel training, with the result of reversing the whole industrial system. In the center Veltroni was the greatest defender of Law 30, and precisely the one that prevented the abolition by the last Prodi government. "Change" has become synonymous with the effects of colonization, so would need Veltroni vocabulary change.
Equally childish is that Veltroni FIOM reproach to the fact that Marchionne is excluded from the representation of the factory according to the same rules that the FIOM had wanted to cut out the grassroots unions. In reality, this need to save at all costs the representation of the factory is haunting Camusso, but not Landini. The problem is not representation at Mirafiori or be able to grab the collection of union dues on pay slips, but standing in general. This is not to protect minorities, such as minimize D'Alema, but to protect majorities. According to the diktat of Mirafiori nothing more that will prevent a landowner who wants to can sign agreements with its union business, but this union did not have any writing, require the workers to then yes, the temptation to "if not, I'm leaving." At this point either nothing would prevent the owner to require the company to join a union for workers in order to extort their share also the envelope-pays, depending on what that veiled blackmail those who do not become automatically suspect was part of rebellious aspirations.
Among other grassroots unions proved not at all bound in spite of distrust and revenge on FIOM, so that the choice of the COBAS to call a general strike for January 28 has contributed decisively to move the CGIL its ambiguities and to convene its After the general strike, owing to the fear of being bypassed. Even in preventing the referendum would become a yield of Pomigliano or defeat working, the activism of COBAS proved decisive, and more than twenty years of grassroots unions have not gone in vain.
The Democratic Party's affecting his whole line of Mirafiori outcome of the referendum, but if that is a referendum, it would also intimate that of the robber that you "your money or life ". Instead, the FIOM has already determined the timing of its initiatives to fight regardless of the referendum, so much so that the general strike is already scheduled for January 28. A victory for the yes the referendum was not a defeat for the FIOM, while defeat would be a / fool for the PD in the event that they win no. The victory, however, so would qualify as a mere success of bullying, which the PD would be seen as an accomplice. And in this absurd situation, the summit of PD was stuck there all by himself.
Veltroni has climbed unnecessarily on the mirrors, since the improponibilità "Veltracchionne" was evident after the coup Christmas Marchionne, namely pseudo-"agreement" that put all of Mirafiori fait accompli and the disjointed system of industrial relations in Italy, completely bypassing the institutional role of government and parliament. The collective agreement has always protected the little work, on the other hand has protected small businesses from the threat of unionism yellow / underworld run by multinationals. The yellow unions and corporations are not criminals only to ensure the internal discipline to their factories, but also as a weapon to intimidate and blackmail their smaller competitors. According to Pietro Ichino speeches (he too a victim of terrorism "honorary), we understand that this is the result you are pursuing. But Ichino explicitly acknowledges that the corporate welfare is its only concern. The Antitrust Authority obviously has nothing to argue about the unfair competition that can be verified in the absence of the collective agreement, but not surprisingly, given that, in spite of its name, the Antitrust Authority was invented by Giuliano Amato precisely to encourage mergers, not to tackle them. The
more solicitous to give a hand to the recitation of Marchionne / victim of terrorism honorary, was the secretary of the CISL Bonanni, that is another character who now holds his public image only on victimhood. In all these months of whining anti-FIOM, Bonanni has not even bothered to explain what more is there to make the CISL trade union confederation is abolished if the collective bargaining agreement. CISL and UIL had presented as a great victory for the contract signed without the collective FIOM Federmeccanica with just a year ago, but now that the contract would have to trash, because Marchionne did not like. Indeed, even Federmeccanica no longer useful for anything, so the small / medium businesses in the lurch will Marchionne as the sole leader and commander. But then, if it all comes down to obey blindly Marchionne, what good sign "agreements"? Why not directly replace them with an oath of loyalty to his master? The union staged only serves to continue to extort the union dues to the workers?
The fact is that the head of the CISL and UIL know very well that, if it passes the diktat of Mirafiori, the confederal unions would be canceled, so they are already thinking about their own accommodation elsewhere, and must be his were made several promises and assurances in this regard. The bureaucracy of the FIOM instead continue to entrust their fate to the personal survival of the organization. If it is just a calculation to save their union careers, however, this implies a basis of merit. May have contributed to this newfound seriousness the fact that the liquidation of the PRC Communist election has yielded indirect effect of preserving the past two years the leadership of the FIOM parlamentaristiche infections. Veltroni probably had not thought of this possible indirect effect of radicalization of FIOM, when in 2008 he implemented the settlement RC election. The fate of media
Marchionne is now largely related to the support that comes from the "Police" By endorsing the staging of the terrorist threat. But for the moment the signs are not encouraging for Marchionne, since the police have already reduced the extent of the alleged threat. The immediate feedback
television journalists to slogans accompanied by five-pointed star, have been invaluable: for them, the investigators were analyzing who had devised and written a witty phrase like "Marchionne fuck you!", Or what group might have developed a ' analysis so deep, "not up to us to become like the Chinese workers, but workers Chinese become like us. "On this basis even the investigators have decided not to make yet another pathetic figure, even at the risk of discovering that it was a five-pointed star of the Red Brigades, but a Pentagon painted personally by the Masonic Mason Piero Fassino.
Perhaps the investigators were even forced to reveal to the world that the author of these unlikely racist comparisons with China was no less than Pierluigi Bersani, which perhaps no one has ever said that Chinese workers are far more docile that of Europe, rather they are engaged in tough battles wage.
Bersani seems ignore also that, in the so-called "global market", China is becoming the responsibility of a strong economic system based on equity and the state-owned banks, so you do not understand why the Italian workers should rather be unemployed if the family if they go private.
It is also not a good time for relations between the government and called the police, because the cuts and privatization in the public service are hard-hitting police, carabinieri and financiers. In recent weeks the police unions have already staged three protests against Berlusconi, who is now so blatantly identified with the cause of Marchionne threaten to pull his discredit upon her.
The feeling of two years ago between the Armed Forces and Defense Minister La Russa is a dim memory, since it was discovered that the same La Russa, as a good godson dell'affarista Salvatore Ligresti, thinks only of privatization. After the farce of the exhibition the Minister of Defence in camouflage, La Russa was forced to stay with his tail between his legs, his outbursts against the General Staff, whom he accused of having lied about the death of mountaineering in Afghanistan. If that was not the institutional role of the military systematically lie about military operations. It now seems that, for someone like La Russa, his personal timidity remained the last, desperate engagement with reality.
that a government of the right is so isolated and discredited than the context sbirresco / military would be his appropriate and family, is one of the unpublished data from this period. Without the support of the bureaucrats in uniform, the new edition of a new pseudo-terrorist emergency would be very problematic because it risks being reduced Marchionne himself to throw himself in the face of the statues of the Mole.


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