Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Congratulations Phrases For Engagement

The art of getting a general strike against the Social Lie

of Comidad
A media system hung for days waiting Sibylline oracles of the Italian Episcopal Conference, has instead completely ignored the deadline approaches for a general strike on 28 January. Meanwhile the same media system is sharpening its weapons to try to settle this strike as an expression of attachment to the ideology in a changing world. In fact, all they think and express themselves on the basis of ideological models, so you can not be ideological or non-ideological. The difference is, if anything, among those who agree to deal with the denials from the facts, but instead those who in turn denied any further confirmation of their slogan.
Then there are ideologies that are not even made an attempt to understand the reality, but only to mystify, in this case ideologies that were born to run as a psychological weapon in the war of the rich against the poor.
The mythical "market" ideology is a typical self-confirming: the disasters caused by the so-called "market" become in fact the proof of the "fact" that there is never enough market. One thing that claims to exist, but believes more and enough never exist, is, obviously, a non-existence, a myth or, more precisely, an ideological alibi.
For twenty years, successive measures and "agreements" on labor flexibility, presented as the panacea to the problem of productivity. Law 30/2003, touted as the ultra-solution "flexible" to the problem of youth unemployment, there has led to record youth unemployment. According to the government and the employers, the answer to this social disaster, however, should be to impose more "flexibility", ie all forms of precarious work.
Ideologies self-confirmatory also use half-truths as bait to pass a lie. In recent weeks we have tried to pass off the fact that the Fiat in the past has taken public money, as proof that today is not earning more. Were overshadowed not only the millions of hours of layoff, through which the company was able to get rid of the weight of labor costs of some of its employees to increase the exploitation of those who remained in the factory, but is also silent on these official figures which reveal that EU funds, paid by the European Union as a "Regional Development", are actually used to finance the relocation in Eastern Europe. With these funds the FIAT was able to open its plants in Poland, and the low cost of Polish labor in this relocation has nothing to do.
Of course the owners make every effort to save even fractions of points on the cost of labor, but no savings in the cost of labor, even labor costs reduced to zero, it could never cover the costs of relocation. To cover these expenses, we think of the European public funds (ie taxpayers), and the tax cuts imposed by the Fund International Monetary site to the countries of the "relocation" (ie yet to be borne by the taxpayers).
The entrepreneur who "create wealth" is the most insidious of social lies, as the so-called "capitalism" and the so-called "market" are the abbreviations of convenience-business oligarchies of criminals who steal public money and public property. With this general strike last, albeit still timid and partial, the battle goes to just concentrate on the use of public money. It might seem an attempt to remake the Social Democratic compromise that has held up in Europe until the late 70s, with a share of income redistributed in terms of individual income and social wage (The so-called "welfare").
But today can not be more so as there is more of a political class that holds at least a portion of the power of economic / financial. The privatizations have led to the economic model of mixed public / private, and we now have a political class not only enslaved, but dependent on multinational companies for their career prospects or just personal salvation. The event organized by Walter Veltroni sloganistica at the Lingotto in Turin, owned by Fiat, has given this even a plastic supine dependency visibility.
Privatizations have depleted the company failed to achieve the production that promised miracles, but what also confirms the need for further "liberalization" and "structural reforms", that of other privatizations. Widespread poverty has allowed multinational all'affarismo to intensify the exploitation of consumers through the technique of "financing consumption", ie the mass of debt, making criminals understand the real motives behind the slogan of "financial stability", the stage name of misery planned.
The convening of this general strike is already a result, a manifestation of the will to resist psychological warfare domain, a psychological war that never sleeps and that has made Italy in a laboratory of the ideological colonial subjection. The choice of multinationals to maintain the "guide" of the Italian government a puppet who freaks out every day, is the practical demonstration of the formula of "psywar" announced by U.S. President Harry Truman: "If you can not convince them, confondili. Governments in the colonies become sub-agencies and the banks of the psychological warfare of terrorism media, tools of debasement of the collective consciousness, to generate mass depression and schizophrenia. A
Pomigliano psychological warfare but has failed in part, to Mirafiori failed almost completely. Psychological warfare is not omnipotent and then, after the strike on 28 January, there will still be occasions to prove it.


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