Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Long Do It Take For Flagyl To Work?


of Comidad
The great news is that the CEO of Fiat, Marchionne, after yet another declaration of abandonment of Italy, should finally meet with the government in the coming days. To see that this is a serious matter, was held by the government to point out that Berlusconi will go to the meeting accompanied by both his guardians, the Minister Giulio Tremonti and Undersecretary Gianni Letta. However, as expected, all would be reduced simply to the drafting of a statement of reassurance, after which Marchionne will continue to do what he likes, as it always has.
Marchionne holds in hand all those who have given credit up to now, because if they denied him, would be forced to contradict himself in his own time, but much less could unmask the current government, which based its proposal on the economic line to amend Article 41 of the Constitution, what about the exercise of economic freedom. In the first draft of the proposed amendment was passed by the company's social responsibility to the individual entrepreneur, as if to say that the entrepreneur is the only judge of himself, and not accountable to anyone or anything. In the proposal presented yesterday by the Government, the wording might appear to be purely tautological, for which the employer would be allowed everything that is not expressly prohibited by law. The superfluity of the statement, however, conceals a rhetorical device to suggest that there is now some obscure enemy that ties the hands of the entrepreneur. From the explicit formulation nell'allusione folds, in implication, so as to increase the confusion and therefore arbitrary.
seems clear that the proposed constitutional amendment put forward by the government was a process too complex to hope to be approved, so the real goal is, once again, only to delegitimize the current Constitution to create a virtual one, based on the shots hand of the most arrogant. And so it was that Marchionne has been able to create a constitution for its own use and consumption, which allowed him to bypass the government and parliament to legislate and abused in industrial relations, although the law expressly forbade.
The creeping coup is taking place for years in Italy, it is not really change the rules and institutions, but to misunderstand the meaning, making it forget the original purpose. Thus the real institution, the real material constitution, it becomes propaganda: those who control the propaganda makes the rules. It is obvious that these rules are schizophrenic, dictated only by the interest of time and then intended to contradict, but the propaganda of schizophrenia can often affect and involve those who report. In the event
Palasharp of Milan, the writer Umberto Eco has denounced Berlusconi's schizophrenia, but then the same Eco, when the country had to find a "bad" by comparing the present condition of Italy, found no better than contact the "monster" produced by the propaganda in this case Iran. But the true evil of Iran is not part of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and in having created an oil exchange alternative to the Anglo-American.
that the establishment of puppet governments such as the Italian may have something to do with international organizations and international treaties that impose their directives colonial nation states, is a hypothesis that can tap almost anyone. When did the official propaganda of WTO talks? How many people know that they exist and function?
The WTO is an invisible government, which also exists nell'ufficialità of international treaties, a government of which you might know everything on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but of which, however, nothing is known. The fact that international treaties, such as setting up the WTO, have swept the nation states and local governments will have reduced to, does not mean that the state no longer exists. The point is that today are the international treaties and to establish their dictatorship the State, the real one.
And the problem is that our Constitution under attack, one that some would defend with tears in his eyes, contains its failure to recognize its origin in a status of superiority of international treaties, which may not even be subjected to referendum . At the time the purpose was to prevent that would be questioned as soon as the peace treaty signed by De Gasperi, but the fact is that this created a sort of vulnus all'assetto constitutional law: a charter that one hand is the supreme law of a country, but on the other hand, recognizes a top management in international treaties and untouchable. What
international treaties are an instrument of colonialism had known since '800, as China, remained formally independent, in fact, had been reduced to an overseas territory of Great Britain through the imposition of military and commercial treaties . Our founding fathers now had to intuit the consequences of what they did when they did not pose any bank to the constitutional supremacy of international treaties, that is no barrier to colonialism.
So you can not defend a Constitution that does not want to be defended. On the other hand you can stick the subordination to international treaties, and would even now.


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