Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sour Smell From Stomach

News Journal! The INCOSE International Symposium 2012 will take place 'in ROME

Stockholm May 26, 2010 during the Closing Plenary of
EUSEC 2010, and 'was made the official announcement of the venue chosen for the edition INCE the 2012 International Symposium: Rome.
Data's European headquarters, the 2012 edition of the event integrera'anche EUSEC (European Systems Engineering Conference).
The organization of the event will be 'taken care of mainly by INCOSE International, but the members of the Chapter present at EUSEC Italy 2010 and was already' indicated the necessity 'of an important local support. The
opportunity 'is of obvious importance and indispensable, but the task is to ensure its success, given the small size of the Chapter, an important challenge, then all members are invited to participate actively in activities' to be defined Prosimii in months.
Incidentally, 2010 also saw EUSEC the participation of a large group (5) members of the Chapter Italy, featuring a panel and presentation of papers. Vincenzo

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Outers Rifle Cleaning Kit No 477

responsible. Another piece in the case

In a ruling soft of First Instance that lightens the positions of police officers and police chiefs in relation to those facts that were labeled in the same sentence as "Torture" committed by the police to nell'irruzione Diaz during the G 8 Genoa , and a second-degree more hard, who rolled the first in terms of convictions and responsibilities government as is his style, he prefers the first.

punishment more 'heavy, five years, and' was imposed on Vincent Singers, a former executive of the mobile unit in Rome, already sentenced to four years in first grade. Four years each to Francesco Gratteri, former and current executive director of the Sco dell'Anticrimine Luperi and John, a former deputy director Ucigos and now the Agency for information and internal security, both were acquitted at first instance.
Three years and eight months have been inflicted Spartacus Mortola, the former chief of the Digos of Genoa and Turin today quaestor vicar, who was also acquitted at first instance.
increased from three years to four years the penalties for "thugs" materials, while those who signed the minutes and were acquitted at first instance, the court set penalties for three years and eight months each.

For Deputy Minister Mantovano , the Supreme Court will to re-establish "the exact proportion of the facts and dissolve a shadow on fine security professionals. "
For Cicchitto instead "He thesis won the most extreme of anti-globalization ".

So as usual the government officials involved heavily on the choices of the judiciary with the warnings that appear in the High Court to which it will be the final decision.
All offenders will remain in place assures the Secretary.
are professionals who perform their duties with responsibility and dedication.
Of course there is also to consider that the government now asserts that the case is the last word on Mexican butcher is the same color and roughly guided by the same men who ran the G8 in 2001.

not be overlooked, finally, a more subtle and perverse detail.
Undersecretary Mantovano magistrate was also a point of law and should therefore know that the judgments of the Supreme Court can not enter the merits of the convictions because the Supreme Court does not consider the fact, but on the right, then the court is of legitimacy, which means that it can not take care to review the documents, but can only verify that you have applied the law correctly and that the process has taken place in preceding grades according to the rules.

So it is clear that re-establish "the exact proportion of the facts" in third grade will be impossible unless you hope for a prescription.

The facts are incontrovertible, therefore, 63 children were tortured and those who had tortured him with responsibility and dedication with the blessing of the government.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wedding Program In Spanish


Here are the news Saviour of the conviction of the entrepreneur published by Syracuse imgpress .
is composed through the placement of yet another piece, the design of Messina criminal who did the example of the covenant between the state and Antista.
The story background is that relating to the management of employees of justice by some judges.
But as always in Sicily is the comedy ensemble. Judges, staff, police, lawyers and entrepreneurs.
Each has its role. Each with its own advantage. He gets up a fuss, is detecting and bought witnesses. Every effort to confuse and drive everything.
This is the gray area mentioned in The Fort.
This is Sicily where each color is mixed with others to frustrate any attempt to define the tone.
Mafia and anti-mafia law, and please, cops and robbers.

PAY Salvatore Siracusa: Attempted to bribe a police sergeant

(11/05/2010) - At 23.30 hours of May 10 the Court of Messina (President Alfredo Secure) issued the verdict against the two businessmen Salvatore Messina and Syracuse Santino Pagano, charged with having led the police sergeant Biagio Cat, making false statements in the trial of John Lembo and Michelangelo Alfano, then prendente at the Court of Catania. As stated in the indictment the prosecutor Antonino Nastasi (which required the condemnation of Syracuse for 2 years and 6 months and absolution They pay for) the conduct sought to delegitimize the Syracuse lawyer Ugo Colonna and to promote the ongoing process of the main accused in Catania, the former of the National Anti-Mafia magistrate, Giovanni Lembo, then sentenced to five years in prison. The Court of Messina, after the intervention of lawyers and Veneto Amendolia, accepting the demands of the prosecution Syracuse condemned to one year and eight months and fulfilled Pagano. The Court also sentenced to pay damages in Syracuse against a lawyer Ugo Colonna, formed part of the civil lawyer. Giovanni Li Destri.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Toy Desert Eagle Guns

Dangerous Liaisons between Calcestruzzi spa and auger Cannitello.

What connection exists between the umpteenth judicial inquiry with a lot of arrests of boss and officers and directors of Calcestruzzi spa and a fire drill in Cannitello (RC)?

What relationship exists between the Sicilian seven companies that produced cement sequestrated and the mechanical device that was conducting geological surveys on a site that the government has touted as the first for the construction of the bridge on tight?

On the one hand, the mafia seeks to impose in the public and private purchasers, delivery of the concrete produced by Concrete spa, mafia methods and also making money on product quality, through a computer process that was depleted and then weakened.
other side of the strait 'ndrine that sends a clear message to those responsible for "remembering" that they are there and that without them we can not do anything.

Organised crime thus acts on the financial side first using his immense wealth by investing and doing business activities and then using archaic methods of intimidation Classic with a lot of fire and brimstone.
relations, the links are represented by the convergence of short interest on the contracts.

Roads, highways and infrastructure projects.
Contracts municipal, provincial and regional end up with ministries and the European community.
The more difficult and the gain is assured.
international construction giants are not afraid.
The attention of the crime no longer stop the movement towards outsourcing land, the supply of inert or security services.
You can aim higher.
You buy shares and controlling the boards.
Then from time to so, if needed, shall be the kid that burns or fires.

We subscribe before the cameras protocols between the department of law, prefectures and contracting companies.
You control the traceability of financial flows and define the white list of companies with the requirements in rule.

The Mafia and the 'Ndrangheta looks almost arrogance with these futile attempts to' lock up 'and make inaccessible their sources of income.
Cosa Nostra has built anywhere in Italy, killed and destroyed is guilty of massacres and handles millions of euro. The mafia fuck it. Because they want in the white list if they get there anyway.

The Mafia has dealt with the same table with the state imposing its terms, sent to prosecutors awkward air and on the payroll whole pieces of state that allow them to sidetrack investigations and adjust judgments. It is awarded contracts in hand and take anywhere politicians and officials. Runs hospitals and clinics, universities and major retailers.
come out or stay submerged is just a matter of opportunity.
He conquered the area in gray, huge part of our country through by woodworm lawlessness and impunity that lies everywhere.

Meanwhile we keep bridges and hospitals that the first earthquake crumble as polystyrene and families increasingly powerful and inherent in the economic system while recognizing the proclamations ministers, secretaries and presidents who will tell us that from now on will be different.

In dense web of relations and connections that binds together the Mafia and business, with the kid ' lighter and the manager with the briefcase, the giant European cement and drilling Cannitello, even the advertising policy of the governments in office is essential, as is a joke of an actor on the written script a farce.