Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Test Answers For Vocab F

Lights and shadows on the drills. Violations in the yards of the bridge over the Strait.

If good day starts in the morning, at night it becomes quite dark and obscure.

The mega tender for the construction of the bridge over the Strait on the paper work had to be monitored and controlled most of the century.
The public contract largest ever launched in this country and more at risk of Mafia infiltration into the government propaganda was to be the most fair and transparent.
Everything under.
All according Law.
So start drilling for the implementation of the wise of the land.
More than a hundred "puttusa" territory in order to understand the subsurface.
Everything under. All according Law. So they say.

Roads and streets, lawns and sidewalks, apartment buildings and private lands are home to drills and workers of companies that perform work on behalf of the general contractor.
They Law on their side.
Ciucci reassured that Law will be respected.
Impregilo & C. a guarantee for citizens, businesses are working according to set standards, although some court cases (eg those bells) argued very different theories.

But back to the augers.
Everything under. All according Law.

Messina, scenic route of the Strait, a major artery in the northern part of the city. It ranks just another drill.
No sign containing the information required by law.
No indication of the customer, no information about the company that is performing the work, no name of the head of security, no reference to permissions.
No respect of the most common requirements of the Building Act.

The mobile site is located on the roadway. It invades a part.
Night falls and no warning light comes on.
No sign indicates the presence of narrowing of the roadway with due notice.
The code the road is violated.
The most basic rules are not respected. A couple of posters and some flashlight. Everything under? All according to the Law ?

On 21 September at 19:20 the alert call is made to the body of the municipal police in Messina. The building site is dangerous for road conditions, it is not reported and lighted. Even the ban area is insecure. A child who can access it easily crosses the sidewalk.
What could have happened after the phone call? A record?
The local health authority has verified the presence of the law shall mobile sites?
Or perhaps, being the mega tender of the bridge, the Berlusconi and Ciucci, dell'Eurolink Impregilo and the auditors have taken for granted that everything was under? Everything under the law?

In short, we have established with certainty that the ground rules are violated. Photographs taken yesterday evening, the widely documented.
We do not want to be pessimistic but a good day starts in the morning ...


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