Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bollywood Biggest Breast

Sputtusati and mocked. Update from the trenches of the drills.

An update of obligation on the situation of the mobile sites for the implementation of geological essays by Eurolink for the construction of the bridge over the Strait.
More photos documenting how the general contractor knows the law, but not always respected.
In fact this picture you see the area the yard in the district Margi Torre Faro where the information required by law are properly visible and complete.

200 m from the previous area of \u200b\u200ba drill site is on private land.
This is the view from the road. No sign, no ban. No rules respected.

A few miles to another site on private land. Via Consular Pompea Granatari.
Trees moved to free access to the auger.
Again no sign and no prohibition of yard area.
A short distance away, near the cemetery, another drill. The area is fenced off but again no warning and mandatory signs.

About then the drill that we had reported on the street overview, we note that the same has been moved a few meters away on the opposite direction.
Here is the photo that shows that had been prepared for the drilling of the ground and the system adopted for the fencing of the area. Note the presence of round iron rods (normally used in concrete reinforcement) cutlery as spears, ready to impale hapless passers-by.
So it is worth remembering that there are rules and it is desirable that these are followed by anyone even by the Godfathers of the bridge.


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