Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stop My Yahoo Group Babes In Blue

From prof. Gaudenzi University "La Sapienza" of Rome

I would like to respond to the interesting contribution by Roberto Dell'Ariccia about his experience as a student with the project and about the experiences of ESMO system engineering.Sono completely agree on the need to introduce elements of System Engineering of Engineering spaziale.Infatti curricular courses this year, with the reform of the structure of certain courses, we tried to take the first steps in this direction. Some elements have been introduced in the new course of Costruzoini space that I held at the Faculty of Engineering. The course is a new institution. Surfing the internet and going on the website of the Faculty of Engineering, you can easily reach the site of the course http://dma.ing.uniroma1.it/users/ls_sas/indexSPA.html where students can check out educational materials with lots of content to SE. Students in the course of development of space systems engineering exercises have played in this facility at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Astronautica.In reality of Wisdom effort in this direction has been developed for years in the Master in Satellites www.mastersatelliti . it.
These efforts are other elements, along with participation in ESMO, certainly a major step for our students, a development of culture of SE in our corsi.La Sapienza has also hosted this year in October, the third international workshop on the ESA system and concurrent engineering SECESA 2008, a conference that has had a significant risonanza.In other words, we're moving quite strongly in this direction to promote growth opportunities for our students in this important cultural dimension and technique of their profession.

Paolo Gaudenzi
Professor of Construction and Director of Advanced Space satellites of Wisdom


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