Saturday, December 6, 2008

Linberg Frames Comments

"Systems Engineering at the University La Sapienza

Hello, I am a former student of Telecommunication Engineering, now engaged in the defense sector (Selex Sistemi Integrati), which would tell us something of his university experience Systems Enginnering (SE). In fact, I had the good fortune to participate in the design of the space mission ESMO (European Student Moon Orbiter), currently in Phase B, the European Space dall''Agenzia conduct involving students (bachelor, masters and PhD) from all over Europe and Canada (each university is in charge of one or more subsystems). I have had the further good fortune to be selected as a Ground Segment System Engineer in the International System Engineering team and participate in 5 workshops of one week to ESTEC in the Netherlands and a one-day workshop at ESOC in Germany. I am dedicated to this activity for two years, dealing mainly Requirements System, Subsystem Requirements, System Design (including The Concurrent Design Facility), Interface Control Documents, all of course following the standard methods ECSS.Per a student approaching the SE can be confusing at first, because it is often used to study at subsystem level and there is a overview of how the subsystems are interfaced and make up a complex system like a satellite or a radar system. Also missing almost the whole approach based on the requirements, the mentality of analyzing a complex system as a whole and determine "what" to do (an approach based on requirements) before you define "how" must be done (usual approach education). The experience that I have experienced has changed my way of being an engineer, making me able to approach projects in the fields of engineering also not similar to mine, and this is due to the methodologies of himself in a way I feel privileged for all that I could learn from this experience and I'm glad that now other students are working and learning for me. I think SE courses should be included in the curricula of degree courses in engineering, maybe even more encouraging exchanges between universities and companies, or with the support of organizations such as INCOSE, because it is clear that these methods must be part of the baggage a modern technical ingegnere.Spero to continue my growth at the Systems Engineering not only in their daily work but also because of the possibilities offered by INCOSE.
Greetings to all, Roberto Dell'Ariccia


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