Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Iphone Alarm On Silent


of Comidad
The media is cheering for weeks at alleged "news" coming from the Arab world, news that would consist of those experiences that are unusual military coups. But most of all, the situation of Libya has assumed the contours of déjà vu, of a story already lived in great detail.
Several commentators have suggested that behind the wave of riots in Arab countries, there is a single strategy of destabilization of U.S. brand. Certainly there are some clues that may give some validity to this hypothesis, as, for example, the role of shady characters such as El Baradei in Egypt. In fact, in the case of Tunisia and Egypt is also possible that the U.S. is putting in place recovery operations with respect to a situation that was beginning to slip away for a number of institutional and social tensions caused by the wild privatization directly imposed by the IMF International and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The fact is however that the Libyan case assumes the contours really unique compared to those of Tunisia and Egypt, to Libya so it can no longer speak of simple clues and suspects, but a series of Marchiani evidence.
few days ago, an article on Militant-Blog, about the events in Libya, talked about "the smell of Kosovo," but now it even seems to go over step by step diagram of the "humanitarian emergency" in Kosovo in 1999, which is the pretext for the aggression of NATO against Serbia, a series of bombing passed off by the media as "humanitarian intervention". Novello Milosevic, Gaddafi also is affected simultaneously by the unilateral secession of part of the country and a campaign of criminalization International, which already has resulted in economic sanctions by the UN and the EU both to seize assets in Libya, passed in toto by the media as the goods of the "family Gaddafi." The "freezing" of its alleged property is configured so as a robbery in a big way against colonial rule in Libya. But at this moment it seems that NATO is also setting up a "no fly zone" on Libya, of course, using the Italian military bases, which Berlusconi is allowing just like D'Alema in 1999, which, hopefully, should at least settle the remaining stories about Berlusconi in conflict with the powers that be international.
The "no fly zone" of the NATO aggression implies full-blown, impose it as mean kill the Libyan planes, perhaps with an outline of some real bombing on the civilian population, which should make up imaginary ones of Gaddafi. NATO operations in 1999 were inspired and directed by President Clinton, now the Secretary of State Clinton, then we're almost there.
To reinforce the feeling that we have seen, there's even the ubiquitous media coverage of Emma Bonino, who, after being elected in 1999, the official enemy of Milosevic, it is now also the one who dictates the party line on matters concerning the operations anti-Gaddafi. The radical MP was able to once again perform in his amazing skills in a logical intervention on Repubblica Radio TV, when, in the hope the UN and EU sanctions against Gaddafi added that it will be necessary then to find the evidence of his crimes against humanity, thereby implicitly acknowledging, in one fell swoop, is that such tests do not exist now, is that sanctions UN and EU have been imposed for arbitration, without any prior investigation.
On the other hand there are investigations and trials against the U.S. for Guantanamo for the massacre of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, but that does not prevent Obama and Clinton to stand up to judges, cops and Executioner on rights human, and to be accepted in this role by the so-called "international community" (aka the United States itself). Bonino should be in turn accused of crimes against common sense, which she committed in the name of provocation / disinformation West, since, at present, not only there is no evidence to support reports of atrocities committed by the rebels against the Libyan regime, but there are even sources of the alleged news. It is in fact news orphans, of which it was possible to ascertain the speaker - the Arab broadcasters like Al Jazeera, the same that had given some to the leak of Gaddafi in Venezuela - but not the origin. By contrast, denied these reports came from witnesses clearly identified as the bishop of Tripoli and the Italian refugees from Libya, but the official announcement has decided not to consider them. Since that did not confirm the official line, a journalist of La Repubblica Radio TV-in fact dismissed as "confused" the claims of the Italians just arrived from Tripoli.
The similarities do not end there, since even in 1999 the United States in the driving seat at UN Security Council to draw, as today, a ready obedience, he saw, as then, the subjugation of Russia and even China. Putin appeared to even the most eager to download Gaddafi, like he did with Milosevic, although it is known that it is preparing a new NATO operation and that this time the Russian armed forces are unlikely to be willing to get over it. I wonder if the next victim of a military coup is not just Putin, who opposes U.S. military aggression is not in a global scale, but only when you press its borders, a strictly defensive strategy that is beginning to erode his relationship with Russian generals. China also should not be too happy about the U.S. military penetration in Africa, which is certainly going to disrupt China's business penetration in the continent, and yet China has not given notice of opposition, a sign that perhaps, in spite of all attempts to make ideological abstract and impersonal concept of "Empire", the true and only remains that American imperialism. Meanwhile
Cyrenaica is already configured as another Kosovo, an ethnic statelet puppet of NATO, and probably in the territory torn the tyrant of Tripoli is already digging in the ground to set up a U.S. military base, a new Bondsteel, guarding the oil wells and gas taken from military force to the loving care of ENI. With respect to Kosovo is in fact something more, and concerns the variable of Italian companies that were not only helpless in the secession, but also by the economic sanctions on Libya. The Libyan shares in Eni, Finmeccanica and UniCredit are now in a sort of legal limbo over the handle of the knife and inspires those who control the same sanctions, namely the United States. Eni and its business are thus doubly roped in check, but the only thing that was able to say about it the president of Finmeccanica, Guadagnini, was that the new rulers of Libya will still need the products of Finmeccanica. Perhaps, but it is said that by then the president is still Guadagnini.
Anglo-American multinationals have therefore set up a joint operation colonial center in a single stroke Libya and Italy, all the joy of the Italian media, suggesting that ENI's current leaders did not follow in the footsteps of Henry Mattei, who took care of to have their weapons in the war of information / disinformation. The chief executive of ENI, Scaroni, should also wonder why all the bribes that have served for decades has provided intelligence services Italian, since the U.S. has taken aback he and Gaddafi. These days the ENI is playing its survival, because if you leave without reacting subtract the Libyan fields, will also lose face with every possible partner in third world countries.


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