Thursday, May 22, 2008

Meaning Of Janma Lagna


After - in vain - cheered a week ago against the Zenith St. Petersburg (Tsar Putin's favorite team, funded by Gazprom), last night I gufato against Chelsea by Roman Abramovich. If I
in the Uefa Cup has gone wrong, the Champions gave me satisfaction. The cup with big ears has been raised by the players of Manchester United (England squad, even if owned by an American, Malcolm Blazer, also owner of the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, American football team).
the figure of Roman Abramovich in Italy do not know much.
In the United Kingdom came out (I speak in my "orange flag") was a great book by two British journalists, "Abramovich, the billionaire from nowhere," which I recommend you buy if you go to London.
Abramovich magnate friend of Putin was at the stadium yesterday to suffer. In
gallery has suffered (I hope a lot) to another gentleman who, at the behest of Tsar of gas, now sits in the Duma, the lower house of Russian Andrei Lugovoi.
This "gentleman" is the person who has met the former Russian spy (later escaped, became a dissident and British citizenship) Sasha Litvinenko. After that
Litvinenko in his body (with a poisoned tea) both polonium 210 from crush an army of opponents, not just one.
For Scotland Yard was just to put Lugovoi in the radioactive Polonium Litvinenko's tea. This is shown by the traces left by the new deputy in Germany and the plane that brought him to London.
Russia not only has not extradited Lugovoi, has even elected and closed, in retaliation for the bad English (not dependent on Russian gas as the rest of the European silent), three branches of the British Council.
Lugovoi yesterday had a blue scarf around the neck of Chelsea.
I think, like me, Litvinenko's widow, Marina, has cheered the red of Manchester.


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