Friday, August 17, 2007

Congratulation On The Pregnancy


October 7 marked one year since the murder of Anna Politkovskaya in Moscow at the door.
man who shot neslpdamas face four pistol shots were not punished, so as not
punish those who ordered the bravest of Russian journalists murdered.
Several hours after the death of Anna, President Putin has the foresight (and subtly) stated that it was not known tvynje
. There are actually books about Anne and democracy in Russia Cecnija
worlds has never been printed. Since then, the Kremlin is headed by a former KGB colonel in the Russian press freedom at
Yet, in spite of threats and poisoning, Ann nenorjo leave their homeland, their Russian. They are brave
reports on human rights violations in Grozny and Moscow were known to the West. But no one
European Union representative to participate in the necessity to nepajaut laidotuvse. No one
head of state. No one prime minister, who declares himself nešjas of freedom.
If politicians have been neglectful, and (as the rung of what the sciences of Russian gas a few cents less)
culture of peace can not forget Anna Politkovskaya.
Therefore, calling for Europe as a whole, all the newspapers, theaters, philharmonic, bands and artists to organize
2007 7 October Initiatives Anai atminti. When
pasakytumm tiems, kas I nužud: mes neužmiršim!


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