Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sample New Church Member Letter

Daniela plays with cats

Daniela loves all animals, particularly cats. In this caricature, I tried to express his sympathy and joy of life that send to those who attended!

A photo joyful

the pencil sketch (giocoso!)

caricature (spumeggiante!)

details (miciosi!)

How To Cut A Tapeup Hair Cut

Augustus king of heaven

Augustus is a dear friend who loves to make and model of aircraft flutter faithfully reproduced to scale ...
in honor of unbridled passion, I pictured while zipping through the clouds with a favorite toy.

the photo of Augusto



a particular

New Adult Channels On Hotbird2010

AXEL mascot skating

This character was created for a contest

sketch Pencil

AXEL color

the way, you know SuperADO ?
It 's the mascot I created for the association to melanoma ONLUS no umbra and now also adopted dall'ADOI (Association of Dermatologists Italian Hospital)
Go and see on

Alot Of Thick White Discharge At 39 Weeks

Giam & Simo married! Zac

spouses, but not novel ...
In fact, this caricature was held to mark the eleventh anniversary of their marriage.

the reference photo


double caricature that final ... nice!

any particular

How To Clean Kukri Knife

the dragon! My friend

Zachary is an American boy of 15 years. Do not know him directly, but I was commissioned as a birthday gift caricature

For reference I had only this picture and some information about his preferences: Zac loves the medieval castles and armor ...

I found some pictures of armor on the internet and I decided to fight a large dragon with Zac!

this is a study in pencil

and this is the ultimate caricature of Zac defeating the dragon!

some details of the painting;
Zac was enthusiastic about the gift!

What Happens In A Male Brazilian Wax


A great friend, always very busy ...

a nice photo

the pencil sketch

the final caricature

a particular

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Woke Up In The Morning And Spitting Blood

3 sympathetic businessmen

are holders of a company with whom I have relationships as a consultant but most are three people I've formed a relationship of cordiality which led me to picture in an "affectionate".

the photo reference

the cartoons.

How To Build A Floor For An Aluminum Boat

The photographer friend

begin immediately by publishing a caricature of a dear friend Paul Ficola, a talented photographer, Perugia, famous for the sympathy!

This is the photo that I have referred

The pencil sketch

The final caricature!

Some details of the caricature.

Cons Of Selling Organs For Money

Welcome to my new blog!

I finally decided to create a blog specific to a passion that I have always been great, but I've grown (unfortunately) in a discontinuous way in recent years.
The illustration in general and the creation of portraits and caricatures, in particular, are among the things you love to do and probably more that I have recently decided to practice regularly.
The element that has definitely marked a turning point was buying some time ago a fantastic Wacom Cintiq 12WX graphics tablet .

A monitor pressure-sensitive tablet that allows you to draw and paint with a feeling very similar to what you are working on traditional media (paper or canvas that is) with the added convenience and power of a software Photoshop CS5 like ... a dream!

I therefore invite you, if you are interested to visit this blog regularly. Soon will be my work along with various information on this wonderful artistic passion that I have (re) started with great enthusiasm!